Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 2 (September 26 - 30)

Day 6 (Monday, September 26)

  • Photographic Negatives
  1. Negatives on Paper
  2. Negatives on Glass: Wet plate Collodion Negatives, Dry Plate Gelatin Negatives
  3. Negatives on Plastic Support: Nitrocellulose Negatives, Acetatcellulose Negatives, Polyester Negatives

Day 7 (Tuesday, September 27)

  • Conservation treatments of damaged photographs
  1. Remounting of photograph and old mount’s facing paper onto a new board using silicone release paper and dry mount tissue (SEAL BufferMount)
  2. Making the four-flap box for daguerreotypes from Bristow Library Board

Day 8 (Wednesday, September 28)

  • Conservation treatments of damaged photographs
  1. Humidification and flattening of photographic print using a Gore-Tex like sheet (EPIC)
  2. Enclosure for broken glass plate negatives of Corrugated board, Mylar and MicroChamber paper
  3. Enclosure for broken glass plate negatives of 2 pieces of glass, Corrugated board and Mylar

Day 9 (Thursday, September 29)

  • Color photography
  1. Autocromes
  2. Chromogenic process
  3. Cibachrome (Ilfochrome)
  4. Dye Transfer process
  5. Dye Bleaching process

Day 10 (Friday, September 30)

  • Conservation treatments of damaged photographs
  1. Mending the tears on chromogenic color print using Starch paste and Japanese paper RK-27
  2. Matting and framing the chromogenic color prints
  3. Making of 4-flap enclosures for Autochromes and Lantern slides

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